Freelance or InHouse Graphic Designer

Freelance or InHouse Graphic Designer

Freelance or InHouse Graphic Designer, which one suits you best for your project. When starting a graphic design project this is the question. 

One of the most common questions we ask ourselves is whether to hire a freelancer or an agency.

 While both options have their benefits and drawbacks, ultimately, the decision comes down to what we’re hoping to achieve with the project. 

Here are five things to keep in mind when deciding whether to go the freelancer or agency route.

Advantages of an agency graphic designer

An agency is a company that has a multidisciplinary team of creatives, designers, and copywriters who know how to create digital strategists and have experience in multiple projects.

 This makes them an excellent choice for creating digital marketing campaigns that will get your business the results it desires.

Digital agencies are always creating engaging content in order to attract users and generate pieces that reflect the brand’s personality. They use the appropriate techniques to attract users, such as creating interesting visuals, using catchy headlines, and tailoring their content to the audience. Digital agencies are known for their creative work and attention to detail, which makes them perfect for crafting successful online campaigns.

An agency can help you with the latest tools, techniques, and trends in the design and execution of creative campaigns. They will have access to a large pool of resources, which they can use to create a campaign that is tailored specifically to your needs. An agency will also be able to provide guidance on how best to use these resources and help you to get the most out of your campaign.

Advantages of the Agency


The agency assigns one or more employees who are the communication channel between you and the agency team. This person will create the best communication strategy, and if she is not there, she will leave someone else with whom you can communicate if you have a requirement.

In a few words, you can always maintain fluid communication with the agency, and you can let them know your needs and comments at any time during the process.

Experienced work team

By hiring an agency, you will have multidisciplinary teams that will help you develop your project.

For example, an editor or journalist writes the texts, the editor reviews and corrects them; another person is in charge of web positioning strategies. In addition, a designer will be in charge of your project, and an art director will give the final touches so that your campaign stands out.

In an agency, you will have several communication, advertising, and sales professionals with experience in various projects, sitting at a table thinking about your project and proposing creative solutions.




Some agencies accept more projects than they can handle, which causes delays to appear in the execution of tasks, which can put the timing and quality of the campaign at risk.

When working with an agency, it is essential to make delivery times very clear and have a plan B in case of any delay.


Freelancers, in most cases, are design or communication professionals who provide creative services to various companies and charge professional fees. They often use their resources to do the work and work on a project as a sole proprietor or collaborate with others. Freelancers have several advantages over employees in terms of flexibility and pay.

Freelancers usually work for objectives achieved, not available all day at all hours. This means that you will not always have it at hand if you need to make a call in the middle of the night or during an important meeting.

Designers and technology experts who have been freelancing for a while may be familiar with some of the latest trends in design and technology, but if you’re just starting out, it’s important to remember that not all freelancers will be up-to-date on the latest trends. This is because they typically work with their own resources, which means they aren’t reliant on clients or other employees to dictate what’s popular and what’s not.

Advantages the Freelance


Working with a freelancer can be much cheaper than hiring an agency since they work and charge for effective working hours. In addition, their rates are usually lower than those of the agency since they will focus on a particular task.

Less Bureaucracy

When working with freelancers, you deal directly with them and with no one else, which can facilitate communication and reduce bureaucracy.

Even the freelancer can constantly visit your offices and work closely with your staff without being intrusive. With an agency, you could not do this.



Lack of Commitment and Responsibility

Freelance or InHouse Graphic Designer?

The freelancers disappear, they do not answer calls, emails, or SMS, and there is no one else to communicate with who can resolve the doubt or the requirement. This can be a big setback for companies since they do not have the answers at the right time.

It is common to hear stories of freelancers abandoning projects midway, leaving their clients with serious problems. The risk of a freelancer abandoning your project due to a lack of enthusiasm, time, and responsibility is very high.

A Reliable Solution

Succor Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency with an impeccable reputation and the ability to adapt to projects of any size and industry. Its team has experience in various industries, including technology, pharmaceuticals, fashion, and eCommerce. Succor Digital boasts a wide range of services, including website design, online marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization.

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