News on Instagram, NFTs, and Chats

News on Instagram

News on Instagram, continues trying to gain ground against TikTok, and for this reason, the Meta social network has presented a series of updates to its platform, providing new features to users to keep them hooked on the platform.

NFT´s on Instagram


Meta will begin experimenting with “digital collectibles” on Instagram so creators and collectors alike can display an NFT as their profile picture.


The head of the metaverse division, Vishal Shah, explained that “this will make it easier for people to sell limited-edition digital items like NFTs, display them in their digital spaces, and even resell them to other people safely.”


Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, explained that they would begin to offer this option to a small group of users, after which the feature will be refined and will reach more people. 

He also clarified that at the moment there were no commissions applied to this type of function, but there are not many more details about how it works. 

We just know that it would allow the creation and trading of NFTs.


For example, it is not known what currency will be used when trading with these NFTs, and it is not clear at the moment if, for example, they will use Ethereum or perhaps their own cryptocurrency that was leaked a few weeks ago.

One of Instagram’s goals for this 2022 is to improve user communication.

The social network recently activated the new direct messages, which include the possibility of responding to specific chats, changing the background of the conversation, or reacting with emojis. 

It has also announced a number of new features coming soon, such as the ability to take polls in group chats. 

All this, in addition, while developing a new feature related to chats in live broadcasts that could arrive very soon.

The platform plans to add an option that will allow users to chat with each other when they are watching a live broadcast. 

Everything indicates that the feature is designed for two or more friends to comment on live steramings privately. 

And without the need to write anything in the comments section of the live where they would be visible to everyone. 

In addition, to use this new function, it is not necessary to leave the transmission to chat from the Instagram messages section.

Screenshots of the feature, shared by developer Alessandro Paluzzi, reveal that the option will be located in the bottom menu, next to the icon to share that stream. 

The private chat button on an Instagram stream will open up a kind of pop-up that can be hidden or shown again at any time via a gesture. 

In this way, the user can continue watching the direct and write a message when necessary. On the other hand, the feature includes a button to add members to the chat. 

In addition, each user will be able to leave the conversation with an option that will appear next to their name.

Instagram, for the moment, has not shared details

 News on instagram? still, some estimate that it could be launched in the coming weeks because the shared screenshots show significant progress and that it is almost ready to reach the public.

For now, some of the new features that will come to the platform will allow you to reply to a message from the Instagram feed, something that will prevent the user from losing the content they are viewing.

 It will also be possible to send silent messages. In this way, the sender will have the option not to disturb the recipient if he thinks he is sleeping or busy.

The Meta platform wants users to spend more time in the messages section, so it has added stickers and interactive widgets, such as voting, which will arrive soon.

Leveraging the power of Instagram for brands


Instagram is still a very important social network with a fan base. Brands have to take full advantage of the new features of the platform in order to keep up with their competitors.

 Instagram has been a platform for users to share photos and videos with friends and family, but recently, it’s become more popular for brands to use it as a marketing tool.

 Brands can now post updates about their products and services and connect with their fans on a more personal level.


If you’re looking for help to unleash the full potential of Instagram and make your brand stand out on this social network, look no further than Succor Digital.

 We are one of the best digital agencies in the business, and we’re dedicated to helping our clients achieve success on Instagram. 

We have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share, and we’ll be happy to help you take your account to the next level. Contact us today to get started!


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