Digital Marketing without cookies

Digital Marketing without cookies

Digital Marketing without cookies is the concern of many companies. The fear is due to the habit of having a large volume of data to make decisions, plan strategies, or segment campaigns based on cookies.

Imagine the amount of data that there is in the universe of big data; this is because, in Digital marketing, information is collected with each click on links or access to pages.

Cookies are data that websites collect to understand their users’ profiles better and thus improve their browsing experience.

However, the use of cookies has been questioned due to the access they give to the user’s privacy.

The subject is so controversial that Google Chrome, being the most used browser globally, has announced the end of third-party cookies.

This measure in order to protect personal data, but in turn, affects Digital Marketing strategies.

So the question arises: How does the Internet without cookies affect Digital Marketing, and how should companies deal with this situation?

We want to explain better what cookies are and how these changes can affect the world of Digital Marketing.

What are cookies?

The purpose of cookies is to improve the browsing experience. They are used in most websites, and Cookies are text files that a website sends to the browser to store essential data.

For a specific time, cookies store user information, be it access to pages and applications, as well as their interaction.

The information storage request will be made by the web server. You will notice that the use of cookies is requested since the websites are obliged to do so.

Every time the user returns to the website, the browser returns the data, making the pages load faster.

One advantage is that the site can keep your login connected and also remember shopping cart items.

The use given to cookies is to improve Digital marketing strategies and thus personalize the experience.

What is the difference between first-party cookies and third-party cookies?

Let’s understand the difference between own and third-party cookies.

Actually, they both work the same way. What makes the difference is how they are collected and used.

The website generates first-party cookies in order to improve the experience, and third-party cookies are intended for domains other than the one visited and are generally used for marketing. They monitor navigation between different sites and direct advertisements according to previous behavior.

Types of cookies

First of all, cookies are not enemies of users, the problem has been the use that has been given to them.

Essential: In fact, cookies help guarantee the security of users in their authentication, to identify when they have logged in to a website or mail; these are essential cookies, those that are not used for advertising.

Functional: We can mention that these provide a personalized experience on the web. They serve to remember language, text, design, and forms.

Performance: These compile information about website traffic, and visitor profiles. For example, they are used by Google Analytics. These cookies capture data on an individual basis.

Segmentation: These are the ones used to carry out advertising campaigns. They target the audience more precisely and help deliver more personalized ads.

So why will cookies disappear?

Perhaps every time you enter a website, you are warned that the site uses its own and third-party cookies.

These notifications worry users about the use of their data. Therefore, this has increased the use of online privacy searches by up to 50% worldwide.

This reveals concern about the issue, and Google responds to that concern by removing support for third-party cookies. This brings the challenge to third-party cookies of not being able to guarantee security to user data.

One risk to data privacy is that companies sell data to other companies for advertising purposes, which is illegal.

What is the purpose of cookies?

This refers only to third-party cookies, which guarantee transparency and security. However, digital marketing must rethink how it has worked in recent years.

Google without cookies!

Google’s browser has taken the risk of entering the “no cookies” mode, although the company itself knows this can have huge implications. This is because their own browser uses cookies to personalize and optimize your experience.

And the advertisers?

They know that the end of advertising without cookies is far away. The impact of these decisions for advertisers is known, but it is the beginning of a compilation of data more transparently and responsibly.

The users?

It may be a time that is not very personalized, but at the end of the day it is for the user’s good by guaranteeing the security of their privacy.

The best alternatives to replace cookies!

If we are offered a world without cookies, then what is the alternative?

Privacy Sandbox, Google’s alternative, brings together several measures for the entire Internet to guarantee users’ privacy.

In addition, the FLoC algorithm (Federated Learning of Cohorts). The new way for Google to know what users are doing is to compile information in a group and not individually, for which they presume their privacy.

In this way, you build a closer and more direct relationship with consumers without compromising their data protection.


Transparency has become not only a requirement by law. It has become a strategy to generate trust. This is simple; there is no place to search for data with dirty tactics. What works for companies is being transparent.

Privacy policies

It is mandatory to have a privacy policy defining the rules, showing the intentions to the user, and guaranteeing privacy.

They must be expressed in clear and transparent language. People have the right to know how to control their data. We all want to protect privacy, and companies must adapt to this world without cookies.

What do you think Digital Marketing without cookies? get your comment bellow 


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