How to increase visits to your online business

How to increase visits to your online business

It is essential to capture the potential client and make the purchase process easy to make sales but How to increase visits to your online business?
For this reason, we present nine tips to increase your visits to your e-commerce.

There are no limits on the internet! It’s like having an establishment open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition, the pandemic has significantly boosted e-commerce, and 2022 has been a time of significant trends in e-commerce that changed the rules of the game forever.

Still, with this sound data, many users don’t move forward and fail to run their online projects effectively.

1: Update and design of your webpage:

Your page is your first impression, and the design is fundamental to have an effect on users. The page must invite the customer, be easy to navigate and attractive, and show more than products for sale.

Use friendly platforms and updated product catalogs.

 A blog, for example, is a handy tool that provides additional information and achieves interaction with potential buyers. 

Bumper Ads are micro-videos that do not exceed six seconds, do not give the possibility of being skipped, and can appear at the top of your webpage to provide more information to your visitors about your products.

2: Create a customer database:

It is essential to segment customers. We must be very clear about what we sell and to whom we sell

Make a database of your customers, taking into account essential data such as email, WhatsApp, and social networks. You can use Excel, Access, or Mailchimp.

Take into account the integrity of the data; that is, do not repeat information; take care that it is not lost when stored. The system’s security is also important, that is, that it can only be accessed or consulted by authorized persons.

3: Position yourself in SEO:

SEO is critical in online marketing strategy. Being visible on the web or having a higher position and being at the top makes a difference in sales.

On the internet, positioning is everything. We must place our e-commerce within the first search results for products we sell and our customers are looking for.

 Let’s not ignore the elements that help us achieve positioning, such as keywords, headlines, own and external links, and striking images. 

We recommend using SEMrush to analyze and compare our data with that of our competition, or the SERPwatcher, to find keywords. 

Try a simple and descriptive URL so that your SEO is optimal. In Google, keywords are crucial! And for these words to have an effect, it is essential to use them in the URL, titles, descriptions, and photos.

4: Take into account RRSS, advertising and influencers:

All e-commerce must be present in social networks, which are the perfect window to show our products.

 Influencers are gaining a lot of strength since they help spread our product at a low cost on Facebook and Instagram. 

You can use Iconosquare to analyze Instagram traffic; Social Mention allows you to monitor who mentions you, where, and when. With it, you can measure the influence of your brand, event, etc.

5: Newsletter and mail:

Getting our customers to subscribe is important, and sending newsletters with information of interest is key for the success of any brand. 

The newsletter is a reasonably direct communication channel since it has been previously requested with the email of each user. We can send product and service promotional emails and use different tools that help personalize the newsletter.

6. Google Analytics:

With this tool, you can understand how your customers interact with your site and applications. This tool gives you information about your audience and their behavior. 

Knowing this information helps you take action in developing your site and campaigns and thus increase the growth of your business.

7: Customer service and feedback:

What our customers say should be considered. Their opinion of our business is critical, and to achieve this, we must have a place on our page to interact with them. 

Personalization in commerce is the trend, and building trust is vital. 

We must be aware of social networks and strengthen customer service; communication will always be of great importance. Let’s not forget that trust in our business generates sales, and the way to build trust is to listen.

8: Mobile version and apps:

It is evident that today the smartphone is the most used tool since it is comfortable and can be used from anywhere in the world. 

For this reason, buying should be accessible from any device; we cannot forget that the simpler the app or mobile version we have, the greater the probability of selling.

9: Registration and purchase data:

Purchase processes should be accessible. We must request the necessary data for the purchase, but each piece of data will be an obstacle to finalizing the sale.

 We must explain why we are asking for data and why we need it. The exchange and return process should be simple. We must not force a client to keep a product that does not meet her expectations. If we do, we will lose a client.

Increase visits to your online store

At Succor Digital, we understand that increasing visits to your e-commerce website and doubling sales is a top priority for businesses of all sizes. 

Our team of digital marketing experts will work diligently to help you achieve these goals, focusing on creating compelling and engaging content, developing innovative marketing campaigns, and driving traffic from relevant sources.

Digital businesses are on the rise, and they are here to stay. It can be hard to know where to start with so many options available. 

That’s where Succor Digital comes in. Our experts can help you take your business to the next level. 

We know how to create an effective website, build an effective marketing strategy, and manage your finances. So if you want to take your business to the next level, contact us today.

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