Leverage Facebook for Your Business

Leverage Facebook for Your Business

Leverage Facebook for your business is a must.
Following these tips will help you manage your page more efficiently.

According to Statista, Instagram and TikTok are the most popular social media platforms for people between 13 and 34 years old. 

These tools have a growing number of users, but Facebook still dominates with more than 3000 million users. The main reason for Facebook’s dominance is that it is the leading social media platform used by businesses.


If you want to ensure that your company’s content reaches the eyes and ears of consumers, having a solid presence on Facebook is essential. 

According to a study by ComScore, 86% of Internet users visit Facebook at least once a month.

 Therefore, businesses need to create and post content that resonates with Facebook users. Additionally, companies should use Facebook advertising to reach their target audience.

These are strategies that are included in digital marketing and will make your business grow more.

Claim a custom URL for your business page


Facebook automatically assigns each business page a random number and URL. Still, you can create a recognizable custom URL if you want to make your page easier to share and find. For example, if you run a small business and use the same name for your Facebook page and website, you might want to create a custom URL like www.facebook.com/pages/Small-Business-Name.


In your Facebook account settings, you can find the option to change the name and select a custom URL with the name of your company.

Add a profile photo associated with your Facebook page

When creating a Facebook profile, it can be helpful to choose a profile photo that your visitors can easily recognize. 

For example, if you are an advisor or have a personal brand, your company logo or an image with your face can be great options. 

Choosing an easily recognizable profile photo will make it easier for people to find and connect with you on Facebook.


Being easily discoverable is extremely important for people to find you and like your page, especially in Facebook search.

 Unfortunately, many people make mistakes when choosing images for their pages. 

The image must correctly project yourself as an individual or company so that people can find you and like your page.

 It’s essential to choose an image that is professional, accurate, and relevant to the content of your page.

Complete the “Information” section correctly

Your Facebook “About” section is one of the first places people see when visiting your page. 

Therefore, it’s essential to make sure this section is correct and that users can know everything about your business. 

First and foremost, you need to state your business name, address, and phone number accurately.

 Additionally, be sure to list your website URL and social media handles. Finally, make sure to list your email.

Earn the “very responsive” badge

If you want to look more professional online, it’s crucial to have a high response rate to messages. This badge will give your profile credibility and make you look more professional.


If you’re looking to earn the very responsive badge on Facebook, it seems like you’ll need to meet some high standards. 

Under the company’s policies, a response rate of 90 and an average response time of 15 minutes in the last seven days will earn you the coveted accolade.

 However, don’t let these requirements scare you – if you can meet them, you’ll be one step closer to achieving your badge.

Take advantage of Facebook analytics

Through Meta for Business, you can measure the results of your social media strategy on Facebook. You will be able to analyze the retention of followers, the total purchase value, and more. 

This tool is essential for businesses who want to understand how their social media content impacts their bottom line.


Measuring the results of your strategies will allow you to know what works and what doesn’t and where you need to make corrections to have a significant presence on social networks.


A Winning Social Media Strategy


Are you looking to improve your social media presence and generate more leads? If so, you need expert advice. 

At Succor Digital, we can help you manage your networks and develop an outstanding online presence.

 Our team has years of experience in marketing and can help you create a strategy that will work for your business. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

Leverage Facebook for your business 

and reach more people, don’t think that this social network is dying because it still has a lot to expose. 



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